[Review] Be My Princess 2: Special Story - My Day Off Part 2

Princes in this special story: Ivan, Aslan, Kevin, Max

I feel like I'm cheating on my princes. ㅠ_ㅠ

Especially when it came to Ivan's route. Omg. I feel so bad. Lol. Nothing really happened, but it just felt bad to me. Haha.

If Voltage wanted they could have given the butlers a route of their own though.
That said, apart from Ivan, I felt rather okay.

I found out something surprising in Kevin's route! (That may be just me though.) The setting felt pretty funny to me, lol.

Brief summary on my thoughts on the 4 princes' butlers:

Mikhail - I don't know what he's truly thinking even though after that something was revealed. It felt out of character to me? But anyway, I only have Ivan in my heart. ♡

Lavi - Aslan's butler, is just cute. I can't see him more than that.

Luke - Aw man, I didn't realize he's the same Luke, ie Keith's butler, in Be My Princess. Haha.

Gigi - I don't know what he's thinking. Doesn't he like men???

That said, since I know the rough plot of this special story, I won't be getting Part 1, haha. At least not at the moment. I don't like the feeling of cheating on my prince. (Though nothing really happened) ಥ_ಥ

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Saturday, May 23, 2015 @ 8:56 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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