Hotarubi No Mori E

Hotarubi No Mori E

Summary: A slice-of-life romance of a human child and a spirit.

Comment: Ok. So first of all. This is a very short anime. It's like a movie? Idk. But it's only 40+ minutes!

The art is really pretty too IMO.
And plus, it's youkai-ness attracted me to watch it. \o/

The art style of Gin (the white haired guy above), reminds me of Zen from Akagami no Shirayukihime~

When I finished the anime, I thought 'NOOOOO! Why is this happening!!!' T__T
But really, why did that happen?! T__T

But if the story didn't develop that way, it probably won't be as realistic?
Still sad it ended that way. T__T


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Saturday, March 3, 2012 @ 12:07 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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