
Wow. It's been a long time since I've watched anime~
Image below from listal.com


Summary: (Taken from anime-planet.com) Rumors have it that a monster has appeared over the city, and Yuki would love to catch a glimpse! However, she soon discovers something even more fascinating: a boy named Tetsu not only knows of the monsters, he has a monster pet of his own named Cenco! Yuki is delighted to meet such a creature and tags along with Tetsu to find out more, but soon the two find themselves in the middle of a dangerous conflict with another monster that threatens them and bystanders alike!

Comment: This is a really short animation of around 25 minutes.

To be honest, I'd thought this was some sort of romance story because the first gif I saw from tumblr was this:

(cr: koutari@tumblr)

Which was what led me to watch this.
So after that I found out it was more of sci-fic, haha.

The storyline is okay. Unique, I think.
But only IMO, since I don't really watch much sci-fic in the first place.

The monsters in this reminded me of the monsters in Ghilbi Studio's Spirited Away.
Maybe it's the way they eat or something.

(Spoilers - highlight the sentence below)
What I don't get is why or how Cenco ate Tetsu's arm. O__O
But that'd probably be explained in Cencoroll II? I hope.
Or maybe there's some hidden meaning that I don't understand.

Another thing to note is that don't close the window when the credits come on!
After it's done, there's still a little part of the irritating guy (guy who pulled the girl in the above gif).
Maybe a little bit of story to continue to part 2 or something.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012 @ 11:16 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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