
Finished this anime on Monday!
(All images are not mine! Credits to respective owners through google images.)


Manga Status: Ongoing
Anime Status: Completed

Summary: (Taken from Chihaya is a lighthearted tomboy, who's not especially good at anything in particular. Her dream has always been for her sister (an aspiring model) to become the number one beauty of Japan, or perhaps of the world. But then one day she meets someone who tells her that a dream is something that should concern only herself - and something she has to work hard for as well. At the same time, Chihaya discovers a passion for the old Japanese game hyakunin ishhu, also called "karuta".

Comments: To be honest, I stumbled onto this anime's page before, but I just 'x'-ed it thinking it was a typical anime.

I didn't read the summary. The first picture I saw was this:

& I thought it would be a typical shoujo anime.
But I was wrong!

Idk how I stumbled to this back but I'm glad I did. \o/

This is a really intense anime on this game called karuta.
It's about this 100 poem they have to memorise and get the cards once it's called.
By the end of the anime, I think you'd have known sort of the tune in which the cards are being called, haha.

The genre of this anime is josei, romance.
I like the female lead! Although she cries, it's not like it's bc she's weak or can't do anything.
At least she tries! She's awesome in karuta too.

The romance isn't dominant at all, which I like!
The main thing is karuta, & yupp, for me I just kept going on to the next episode. =D

So yupppp. Going to type spoilers below, just skip the rest if you don't want to read it!

Spoilers: For some reason, love triangles seem to be popular. Oh well.

From left to right - Taichi, Arata

Taichi, Arata and Chihaya are childhood friends. They got together through karuta!
Though Taichi is such a tsundere and never confesses his feelings. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Even though he looks my type, I'm not shipping Taichi & Chihaya, contrary to other people's ships.
His tsundere side just ugh.......

One more picture of Taichi for those who like him!

Not that I don't like him. I like him as a character! He's really nice, thinks for Chihaya, helps out etc.
But I don't want him to be Chihaya's love interest. Sob.

I mean, at first he said he has a girlfriend already.
And it is so obvious he is in love with Chihaya, SO WHY GO OUT WITH THAT GIRL.
Sigh. Then he broke up with his girlfriend through a phone call. .__.
Zzz. Nvm.

Let's talk about Arata now!

(THOUGH SADLY I DON'T HAVE A PICTURE TO SHOW. Hmm. There is this part when Chihaya called Arata during the party or something, and I thought it was so sweet. Omg~~)
Even though there was a part that Arata is being an idiot about running away from karuta, I can sort of understand it.
Chihaya is awesome for doing the job of attempting to pull him back. ^^
Again though, Arata spends time in his hometown.
So as I watched, I thought, 'Ok, he's going to join the club soon!!!!'
But nope. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I need him to be with Chihaya!!!
Chihaya obviously loves him, and he likes her too.
The ending wasn't comprehensive to Chihaya's love life, so I hope for another season!
Or for the mangaka to complete it. ^^

I like all the rest of the characters too! =D

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Friday, May 18, 2012 @ 8:54 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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