
Just finished this mindblowing anime!
Had to write this before well, I do other things and forget about writing this, haha.


Manga Status: Ongoing
Anime Status: Completed

Summary: (Taken from anime-planet)  The eccentric mad scientist Okabe, his childhood friend Mayuri, and the otaku hacker Daru have banded together to form the Future Gadget Research Laboratory, and spend their days in a ramshackle laboratory hanging out and occasionally attempting to invent incredible futuristic gadgets. However, their claymore is a hydrator and their hair dryer flips breakers, and the only invention that’s even remotely interesting is their Phone Microwave, which transforms bananas into oozing green gel. But when an experiment goes awry the gang discovers that the Phone Microwave can also send text messages to the past. And what's more, the words they send can affect the flow of time and have unforeseen, far-reaching consequences - consequences that Okabe may not be able to handle...

Comments: Well, I have actually watched the first episode of this months ago when I saw people saying what a good anime this is. But seeing that the plot was so confusing, I just stopped at the first episode.

(Lol, doesn't it sound like the Chihayafuru one? Hahaha.)

A friend strongly recommended this anime last month, so I decided to watch it. Then realized I've actually watched the first episode before, lol.

Things really start to pick up at episode 7.

Regarding OTP, of course it's going to be Okabe and Kurisu!
Forever ship them. ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ  
And in the midst of it, felt so OMG and mindblown because Okabe had to relive a particular scene over and over and I just felt so ugh. WHYYY. ಥ_ಥ  

Like, it made me think fate is such a strong thing.
Externalism thinking. (If I don't remember wrongly of what I'd learned in school before)

But whee~ The last episode made me (✿◠‿◠) though I was still out of it because of all the action, lol.

Storywise, eh, definitely not one I've watched/read before.
It is of time travel, but usually time travel stories are lighter and not so thought-out as this.
Steins;Gate is really something else.

Oh, and after some googling, I found out that this is actually based on a visual novel. ◉◡◉
Have I mentioned I'm into VNs like, since few years ago?
Sadly, I don't know much Japanese so I'm playing english ones instead.

So yupp! I'm ending this review on a super recommended note.
Don't give up on this anime because you find it confusing at the first episode!
Just continue to watch it and it'd be worth your effort.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013 @ 8:01 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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