[Review] Enchanted in the Moonlight: Samon - Season 1 Sequel

Like his main story, Samon is a sweetheart in this sequel as well. Though I kind of got bored a little as I read the main story. Haha.


So, in the story, Samon and the MC goes back to the mononoke village for Samon to fulfill his duties as head clan.

Unexpectedly, the clan does not approve of their relationship and the MC's power. There's a legend that says the people would be destroyed if they are together.

So Samon wants his people to approve them. Thus, he tells the MC that they'll stop being lovey-dovey till they accept her.

But aww, Samon is so sweet though. You can tell he wants to be with the MC even though he said the 'no acting like a boyfriend' himself. When a certain misunderstanding happened, the MC was all depressed/jealous and feeling uncertain. But I didn't have any doubts in Samon at all. Lol. This was unlike the feelings I had when I was reading Chikage's sequel, lolol.

All in all, I really loved Samon in this sequel! ♡ I probably like this more than his main story, haha.

On a side note, I think the resolution of the cursed legend seems to be unresolved. I don't get how the clan turned around. It was too sudden? Not really logical to me. I don't see the link. The antagonist too, felt like a sweet character to me. So what happened felt out of character IMO.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015 @ 11:22 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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