[Review] Be My Princess 2: Ivan Chernenkov - Season 1 Main Story

If anyone has played other routes in BMP2 first, they probably would not want to pursue Ivan.

He's just too cold though. To the extent that even though he's my favourite in this game, I didn't feel the ♡ to go to him when I'm playing the others. Lolol.

Before I talk about Ivan, let's talk about the MC. I love the MC in Be My Princess 2!! She holds her own ground and beliefs. That's part of who she is to be able to stand on par with the princes in BMP2.

Reading Ivan's story is pretty rewarding IMO. It's like slowly melting the ice that covers a volcano.

He is a really warm and kind person. He appears cold as he doesn't express his feelings. So it's only when you take a step back then you'd be able see what his true intentions are.

If you don't see it, it's okay. The MC narrates those out too in her thinking, haha.

Had this fuzzy feeling as I read the scenes where MC and Ivan gets closer. Which is pretty much the entire story. ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Ivan and the MC had a major fight. Not those childish and immature fights. Though with this fight, the both of them definitely grew and got to know and understand each other better.

Emotions pretty much went on a roller-coaster ride in this MS. But it was all worth it!!

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015 @ 10:14 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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