[Review] Class Trip Crush: Sub Story - After the Wedding Bells Ring

Got this just days before the sale. Sob.
Nvm. Shall do a review for this!

This is a special chapter that takes place after the wedding.

Homare is the only one I've read to the wedding. ♡
Didn't read Taketo's wedding yet.

I think Taketo's and Homare's are the nicest as you get to be alone.

Nagisa's and Yasuto's are mostly in a group. Group A people just went ahead and crashed into their room. Yasuto's one feels more like a group party though. Nagisa's one is pretty sweet even though people kept coming in.

Kanji's one is like a mix of group and being alone with the MC, haha.

I guess it depends on who your bias is to see how much you'd enjoy this sub story.

I definitely liked Homare's one!! So sweet. ♡♡♡

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Sunday, April 12, 2015 @ 11:44 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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