[Review] Dreamy Days in West Tokyo: Reiji Uraga - Season 2 Main Story

There's no 'Season 1' for Reiji (as per usual for Voltage's add-on characters) so I'd just label it as Season 2.


So first of all, as per Voltage's add-on characters, I feel like the character is just suddenly planted in the MC's life. But it's always been that way for other stories too, haha. So it's okay. Would love it more if the transition is smoother.

This aside, when I first started playing, the MC kept calling Rei as an older sister. To me, no matter how you look at him, he looks like a guy? ♡_♡ Lol.

Majority of the people thinks that Rei is gay from the way he speaks.

And due to what he experienced with love in the past, he's distant and has even created another persona.

He's still kind in his actions even when he don't seem like it. I loved that the MC didn't give up when he pushed her away! She understands him, and doesn't push him to give her answers.

The flashbacks on the MC's childhood is cute too. Haha.

The progression of their relationship is natural, so I really liked this.

I strongly recommend getting the epilogue as well! You get to see Rei's jealous side and also how much he loves you (which wasn't shown much in the MS). ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

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Thursday, April 9, 2015 @ 1:20 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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