[Review] Enchanted in the Moonlight: Yukinojo - Season 1 Main Story

So when I first read the prologue of EITM, I wanted to get Samon and Yukinojo. Haha. Their faces are my type. Lol.

But after reading the first free chapter, I didn't want to get Yukinojo's story. He felt too cold, and his character changed immediately after he marked the MC. I'm not into sadistic guys so yupp, haha.

I read several reviews recommending Yukinojo, so I decided to get it!

First of all, Yukinojo is really kind. The reason why he started being cold to women felt sad. :( This was explained later in the story.

The pacing of the story is paced nicely. It's not too rushed or anything.

Whenever the MC and Yukinijo gets closer, he would close himself off. But you can still see his kind acts! (Lol, am I making sense?)

Eventually as the story progresses, the MC slowly breaks the wall Yukinojo has up. And he fell in love near the end of the main story! ♡

The sweetness at the end wasn't quite enough IMO. So I would recommend getting the epilogue too.

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Sunday, April 5, 2015 @ 11:33 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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