[Review] Enchanted in the Moonlight: Yukinojo - Season 1 Sequel

So if you think that Yukinojo's Main Story feels like the 'getting to know each other better/falling in love' part, this sequel makes you truly feel that you are in love! Because Yukinojo reciprocates the MC's love. Ah, my heart. ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ


Unlike in the sequels for Samon, Miyabi and Chikage, where the antagonist is a woman who is jealous of the MC and wants to get rid of the MC to be with them, the antagonist in Yukinojo's sequel actually has a selfless reason IMO.

That reason felt touching to me. Though of course, I wish he would have a heart-to-heart talk with Yukinojo first.

But then, if that happened, what would happen to the story then? Lol.

Yukinojo is nothing but sweet in this sequel!! Makes up for all the coldness I'd felt from him in his main story. ♡♡♡

And yes, if anyone wants to know, they strengthened their bond of love in this sequel (as compared to eg Miyabi who wants to jump her bones every second, lol). (///▽///)

With this, I therefore strongly recommend Yukinojo!

Looking forward to his season 2 already.

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Sunday, April 5, 2015 @ 11:56 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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