[Review] My Forged Wedding: Akito Kakiuchi - Season 1 Main Story

So I guess I had read around general reviews saying that Akito's story is nice. After reading the free chapter, I thought that the route seemed interesting so I went ahead and bought it. The sale was a push factor too, haha.

But after I started reading, the plot pissed me off half his storyline. Or three-quarters?


Started feeling angry when what Akito said about the job and lodging to the MC was all a lie. He tricked her. Ugh.

Was angry bc he said it in front of all the Long Island and after that the MC helped him to cover up and continued lying to them. Zzz.

And so I thought okay, since he lied about the job, he might tell the admin people to hurry about the job application and all right? So the lie can become truth.

But um, no. He didn't. Idk why the MC was okay with seeing him off to work, and doing all the chores. She wasn't even supposed to do that. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Ren is so sweet in this story!!


Akito mentioned about the job somewhere near the end. Though by then, I'd already decided not to care about this point and just read the story. Lol.


Anyway, once I stopped feeling (」゜ロ゜)」 about that part of the plot that irked me, I enjoyed the plot more.

The progression between Akito and MC is natural and adorable.

I can say the epilogue is sweet, and I liked it.

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Saturday, April 11, 2015 @ 3:16 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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