[Review] My Forged Wedding: Akito Kakiuchi - Season 1 Sequel

I know I complained about Akito's Main Story, but omg, I honestly loved this sequel! ♡♡♡

Akito blushes a lot here (as long as you pick the right choices). And it's so adorable!!

He's like hinting at being more physical with the MC throughout, but the MC is so oblivious. Lol.

Things I loved about Aki in this sequel:
There's a conflict in this sequel. But I felt it's essential to the growth of Aki and the MC. It's realistic.
After all, life is not just about roses. My emotions were on par with the MC. The writing is good.

Ren is being even sweeter here!
I bet many would want to jump ship to Ren's instead, haha.

I strongly recommend getting the epilogue! You'd get proposed and Aki is just extremely sweet in this. ♡♡♡

On a side note, no wonder I didn't read anything about being proposed in the other character routes. I didn't get their sequel epilogues then, lol.

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Monday, April 13, 2015 @ 12:41 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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