[Review] Scandal in the Spotlight: Kota - Season 1 Main Story POV

Awww. Reading this made me fall in love with Kota all over again! ♡

We see how Kota gradually falls in love with the MC (along the timeline of his Main Story) in this POV. From where Ryo went missing and how the MC came into Revance's daily life as a ghostwriter.

Kota's blushing face is so adorable!!


The part where the scandal broke out made me feel so sad though. Seeing Kota's POV, even as he decided on what to cover up that previous scandal, all he was thinking was he wanted to protect the MC. Bc he didn't want to sed her suffer. :( I was surprised to know who thought up that plan though.

So actually seeing that scandal made the MC even sadder. ㅠㅠ Kota even wanted to give up even though he loved the MC. So glad he didn't!!

Loved that I could see his POV during what happened in the Dramatic End. ♡

I strongly recommend getting this if you already love Kota from his MS and sequel!

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Friday, April 3, 2015 @ 7:03 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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