[Review] True Love Sweet Lies: Special Story - Love Me Fool Me

I would like to say that TLSL is the only app of season 1 that I've bought all the characters' Main Story. Haha. So you can sense my biasness for TLSL? Hahaha.

All the routes and characters are well-written.

Honestly though, all the guys are so sweet in this special story!! It made me miss them. ㅠㅠ

Since it's a really short read, I won't spoil any content.

Oh, wait. I have to say something about the system. When I clicked to the story, I was a little surprised to see boxes followed by their names. I thought it was going to be like the special story of SITS I wrote in the previous post. Turns out I was wrong.

You'll get your romantic time with your guy!

If sweet and blushing guys are your type, I would strongly recommend getting this special story! ♡

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Thursday, April 2, 2015 @ 12:00 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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