[Sweet Cafe] Coin Drop

Some random screenshots which I got from playing the coin drop game!

Finally managed to finish collecting all the coin drop images few days ago. (´▽`)

Sweet cafe is a free app by Voltage inc. It's a side app which allows you to redeem free short stories via tickets - which you get from purchasing main stories/epilogue/sub-stories. So make sure you link your apps.

At first, I didn't know how to play the coin drop game, and just went in to collect coins. This explains my number of coins, hahahah.

These are some love actions:

Subaru the cook!

You'll get this roulette thing when you see the pie-looking item.
So far I've only gotten Takuto though??
Are there others?

Haven't got 'outfits' yet so I'm rather curious.

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Monday, April 20, 2015 @ 10:34 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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