[Sweet Cafe] Short Stories: Racing Heartbeat - Soryu

So because I love Soryu and all the sweet cafe stories so far, I redeemed his Racing Heartbeat story.
I was sort of disappointed after reading this. :(

This story is set in an alternate world, where the MC and Soryu are not in love.
Instead, they are co-workers and are not in a relationship (like they are in the stories). Nothing lovey dovey/cute IMO. :(

It took 5 tickets to redeem this if I didn't remember wrongly?

Am holding back redeeming the rest of the Racing Heartbeat stories fron Sweet Cafe. Dear Voltage, I'm reading these extra stories bc I want to read more of those fluff/romantic/cute scenes. ㅠ_ㅠ

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015 @ 9:18 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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