[Review] Dreamy Days in West Tokyo: Ryuzo Hatta - Season 2 3 Years Later

This review is going to be filled with spoilers, haha. So read at your own risk!

The beginning started off sweet.
Ryuzo is so handsome in the CGs. ♡ Kind of wished that the sprite itself can look as good too. Haha.

Tbqh, the main bulk of the story is pretty sweet. One thing is Ryuzo doesn't get flustered much though. I would have loved to see more of his blushing face!

Then yupp, Ryuzo mentioned a breakup bc of some misunderstanding (that's what I feel the incident is) and I went ಠ_ಠ. Honestly, why didn't you let the MC speak? MC's parents are kind of overprotective, but I guess this is because they're always away from her, and want the best for her.

And when the MC wanted to talk with him, he didn't answer her calls/texts. :( This reminds me of an unpleasant memory. Lol.

But there are many people who supported the MC. This made me wonder if I would have done something different/things would have turned out any different back then if I'd ask my friends for any advice though.

Ryuzo is really sweet though!! My heart couldn't take the Super Happy end. ♡♡♡♡
I strongly recommend getting his route!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015 @ 3:25 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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