[Review] Dreamy Days in West Tokyo: Ryuzo Hatta - Season 2 Living with Him

Ryuzo is nothing but sweet in his Living with Him!

Black Ship is undergoing renovation, so Johji went ahead and rented a monthly apartment for the MC.

A pervert appeared on the first day the MC went to live there. So as to protect the MC, Ryuzo went ahead to move in with her. \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/

There's also a festival too. Things became quite busy for the town.
I loved it when Ryuzo cooked for the MC!!!

I really like Ryuzo's parents too. Especially her mom. She's the ideal mother-in-law everyone would like to have. (◡‿◡✿)

I wonder if I'm the only one, but I feel that Ryuzo's mom, Hanae is more of a mother than the MC's actual mother in the story, lol. The relationship between the MC's parents and the MC felt distant.

Back to Ryuzo, I think he's pretty adorable the way he nonchalantly mentions about sharing a bath with the MC. (*ノ▽ノ)

Again, my heart died in the Super Happy end. Ryuzo, why are you so adorable???
I strongly recommend getting his Living with Him!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015 @ 3:43 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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