[Review] Dreamy Days in West Tokyo: Ryuzo Hatta - Season 3 10 Years Later

Ryuzo has become even better looking in his 10 Years Later! His blushing face is just awwwww.

In this story, Ryuzo is now a high school teacher, and the MC is working at social services at the City Hall. In Ryuzo's class, a foreign student, Joseph, comes for exchange. After finding out Joseph's purpose on why he came to Japan, the class decides to carry out a dance parade as a sign as doing something for Joseph.

I loved Ryuzo! He's sweet, and cooks for the MC when she's sick.

There's one thing about this route that bothers me though. It's that Ryuzo took everything on himself again. :( It's like the promise he made with the MC in 3 years later didn't happen. :(

I guess that's how MC and Ryuzo complements each other! And why Ryuzo needs someone like the MC. The MC stands her ground and continues to just support and be there for him with her love.

The end was so romantic!! Ryuzo was adorkable as always.

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Thursday, May 14, 2015 @ 2:47 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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