[Review] Finally, In Love Again: Kazuki Serizawa - Season 1 Main Story

Kazuki Serizawa is the ex-boyfriend of the MC 10 years ago.

Their reunion was a surprise. I mean, who wouldn't be when faced with their ex from long ago? Haha. Kazuki seemed even more mature/handsome than the MC remembered. He is now a CEO of his own company, Tarte and Tatin. In 10 years, the MC has also become a rather good pastry chef too.

Anyway, so the MC gets hired by Larmer. Kazuki was making his business rounds and he saw the MC there. They became better acquainted as Kazuki requests cooking lessons to be held in his company's facilities, taught by the MC! It's a win-win solution for Larmer and Tarte and Tatin.

Kazuki seemed like a rather nice person as I read. I can't help thinking, so why did they break up in the first place? So yupp, as it's a story, the answer was rather cliche, haha.

Tbqh, I was feeling pretty fuzzy as the story progresses, until the part Kazuki suddenly felt cut off from the MC. So when the drama and fluffy part came in at the end, I still felt rather bitter, lol.
I loved the Happy end! Kazuki even baked a cake to make up for the birthday he didn't manage to celebrate with her 10 years ago. How adorable is that?!?!?!

I loved the epilogue too!!!! Omg. It's like after getting together, the love he has for the MC just erupted. Or should I say like a dam that can no longer be blocked. (///▽///) The end made me blush.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015 @ 9:53 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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