[Review] In Your Arms Tonight: Koichi Natsukawa - Main Story

So I decided to give the cheating husband a try!

The beginning still feels like shit though. But Kyoichi is much better in his own route, compared to Kippei, haha.

How Kyoichi is brought up by his parents shapes what values he has today. Probably because of that, he has never loved anyone before. His affair was just of lust.

I thought his mom seemed like a rather cold woman. Though I changed my view about her in the sequel, haha.

Ai was annoying. I don't think anyone should ever have to experience being cheated on. It's horrible. No one will be happy and everything will break apart. I sympathasize Ai to a certain extent. She really loved Koichi. Which makes me wonder why didn't she love her own husband?

Koichi's career came to a standstill and he was transferred because of the scandal. MC is super awesome. She showed and taught Koichi love. Koichi doesn't know what love is, and everything was transactional or an exchange of benefits to him. So, the MC being there for him regardless of his career/status/money kind of shocked him in a good way.

I think the best character has to be the MC in this route. Haha. I'd have just handed him the divorce documents and be on my way already, lol.

This route isn't as bad as I thought it would be!

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Monday, May 18, 2015 @ 11:27 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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