[Review] In Your Arms Tonight: Kippei Ebihara - Main Story

In Your Arms Tonight's prologue is surprising long. But it's a pleasant surprise, since all the recent games prologues are pretty short (comparably).

The plot of IYAT (that you can read in the prologue) is that MC finds out her husband of 3 months is cheating on her with another woman. She actually sees him kissing another woman right in front of her eyes.

Her husband, Koichi, was introduced by her father, and they're all close friends. Three months ago, she'd have thought she'd be living happily together with him for the rest of their lives.

So for this main story, the MC does not divorce with him immediately. There is Another Story set in an alternate world where the MC divorces him immediately. (Yay!!)

After seeing the cheating scene, work is as usual for the MC. She gets called to the CEO's office and gets transferred to a new department of Interior Design under Kippei Ebihara.

Kippei is the scary boss people would badmouth behind their backs. But he's actually a really nice person who takes his work seriously.

There are a couple of times I wish to take a fork and gouge out Koichi's eyes. I understand the MC's POV, but ahhh! Idk how she can stand it. The emotional torture is ugh, but seeing the MC grow stronger is really satisfying.

I love how Kippei shows his emotions and thoughts to the MC. ♡

At the end, Koichi, the MC's husband, finally does something humane? I'm rather curious why he just let it all go, when he's kind of a stick in the mud for the past 12 chapters.

I strongly recommend getting the epilogue! Kippei really clears all doubts the MC has. He never lets the MC feel insecure about his love.

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Saturday, May 16, 2015 @ 10:36 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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