[Review] In Your Arms Tonight: Kippei Ebihara - Main Story POV

I guess I've not really played the old games POV, but this was surprisingly long. I think I played this for around 45 minutes? Haha.

It was a pleasant surprise.

As for the scope of the POV, it actually spans almost the entire main story! Like wow, I've only read the newer games' POVs but they are nothing like this. I actually love this old style of story-telling of the POV since you get to really see what he's thinking throughout the main route.

And for IYAT, you can actually choose to see the MC's illustration!!

The recent ones don't have that at all. So yes, another pleasant surprise for me.

Kippei is really a nice and sweet guy. Some of his thoughts are the same as what I thought of the MC. Like, why are you still with your cheating husband?!?!?!

He's cute at times too. Haha. Perfect for the MC! There's a bonus scene in the POV that's not in the main story too.

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Saturday, May 16, 2015 @ 10:37 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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