[Review] Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Special Story - The Allure of Chocolate

This special story has 1 common chapter for all characters + 2 chapters per character.

The stories are sweet! Soryu is my favourite as usual. (*´▽`*)

You're celebrating your first Valentine's Day together with your guy except for Mamoru's route.

I was quite disappointed in Mamoru's route though. In his Sweet Cafe Coin Drop story, at least he was in a relationship with the MC. But he did nothing romantic at all (in that coin drop story), lol. Or is his character just like this? I wouldn't recommend getting this special story if you're a Mamoru bias.

I think the sexiest route was Ota's. Haha. He still calls the MC Koro though. But the end was quite sexy/hot IMO.

I didn't really like Eisuke's one at first, but his end made up for it. Haha.

Soryu is adorable and sexy. How can anyone not love him? (*ノ▽ノ)

Baba is pretty sweet though! Would have ranked his second if not for Ota's.

My preference in terms of favorite: Soryu > Ota > Baba > Eisuke > Mamoru

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Sunday, May 24, 2015 @ 1:08 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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