[Review] Love Letter from Thief X: Taiga Kujo - Season 2 Main Story

Taiga looks like a cat when he smiles!! Hmm, let me rephrase that. Both Kujo brothers look like cats when they smile, haha.

There's a change in the cabinet, and a new prime minister was appointed. He wants to 'Clean Japan', and the first he wants removed are the Black Foxes!

After realizing they are surrounded, the Black Foxes call for an escape through LRN's roof. However, the MC was slower and was heavily injured. If not for Taiga finding and treating her, I think she'd have died. Taiga is the infamous underworld doctor.

An insane amount of $50,000 was required by Taiga for him saving the MC's life. As the MC wants to pay him back on her own, she starts working for him to pay the sum back.

Only the first episode was really action-packed though. The main plot wasn't that action-based.
The story is written well. It's not boring even though things mainly happen at Taiga's house at the beginning.

Taiga feels like a chrysanthemum flower to me? Haha. It's like he has lots of facets to him. By the end, I feel like I've unraveled him by removing all his petals. It feels rewarding.

Taiga's really sweet to notice small actions though. The part where he got something the MC was eyeing. (´▽`)♡

The Happy Ending makes me blush. Taiga's unexpectedly forward. (///▽///)

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015 @ 8:23 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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