[Review] My Wedding and 7 Rings: Yamato Kougami - Season 1 Main Story

I didn't like Yamato's route as much as I thought I would. :(

The beginning was interesting. I could see their chemistry, the way Yamato and the MC would banter. I liked reading the MC's comeback, hahaha.

Somewhere along the line, Yamato started holding back his feelings and he started being kind of cold to the MC. Like, he's there but he's not really there. Lol. Hope that makes sense.

But the story plot was pretty interesting. It's dramatic, too. The way Yamato acts makes sense, after you know why he's acting that way. I think the only thing I'd wish the story had was more of the sweetness at the end. Haha.

I recommend getting the epilogue! All the lovey-dovey times I ever wanted from Yamato with the MC is there. It lightens up a little of the bitter after-taste of the sadness/drama IMO.

Yamato's route makes me so intrigued about Seiichirou Hayami though.

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Thursday, May 14, 2015 @ 9:36 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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