[Review] Star-Crossed Myth: Dui - Season 1 Main Story

Omg Dui is so sweet! ♡♡♡
I'm in love, hahahaha.

Dui, as his astrological sign's name states, is a Gemini. So yupp, he has a split personality as per his sign.

One side of Dui is nice while the other (IMO) is like a yandere. He actually attempts to really kill the 
MC. o_o

Everyone else calls the other Dui as evil, and he's known as Shadow Dui. As the story progresses, you'll find out there's more than that to Shadow Dui!

Tbqh, I don't like violence at all in any of the stories I read. But Dui's route is written well. We can see how his character develops. (All of SCM's stories are really well written though! )

The truth behind Dui's sin makes me want to hug him. ♡ The king is pretty nice in this story. Makes me think if he has some kind of split personality from what I read in Scorpio's sequel, lol.

Anyway, all the gods seem to like one of MC's cooked foods. Hahahaha. Like Leon and his meatballs, lol. Too bad the MC didn't make any bunny apples. Or we'd probably get some reaction out of Scorpio?  Didn't play Teorus's one, but I'm pretty sure he likes one of MC's cooked foods. Lol.

Overall, I feel that Dui is really sweet, with a mix of teasing in his character. Content wise, I feel there are much more suggestive lines thrown into Dui's story? Lol.

Only gotten the blessed ending as of now, haha. Will attempt next time or something to play the forbidden end. Looking forward to Dui's sequel already!!

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Friday, May 1, 2015 @ 11:19 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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