[Review] Star-Crossed Myth: Huedhaut - Season 1 Main Story

I can never read another god's route again omg. Huedhaut's route is endearing. It's the first game from voltage that made me cry. :O I felt my waterworks coming when I read Leon's sequel, but the one that made me cry is this!! Huedhaut, I hope you don't make me cry anymore in your future stories.

As of now, I've only gotten the Blessed ending. Will wait for walkthroughs to get around the Forbidden End.

The story starts of with MC having dreams ever since she met Hue. The dreams are vague at first. MC dreams of a herself and a man with midnight hair and they would watch through a fountain/well together at times, looking at wishes of the man. They're happy and in love, and she only realize that her dreams are indeed of her past goddess self and Hue halfway into the story.

I loved how the MC came to terms with her goddess self. And her heart is strong enough to do what she says she'll do. Huedhaut too! He does what he thinks he should do and places the MC's best interest in his heart.

This is the only route that we know what goddess the MC is in her past life. And what exactly happened then, for her to be reborn as a human.

The King is so nice in this route. I wish he'd be like this all the time though, haha.

I think the OTP is MC X Huedhuet. I don't think I can read others' routes anymore, haha. This route is heartbreaking and endearing, I don't think I can love any other god from this app. ಥ_ಥ

Can't wait for Huedhaut's sequel!

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Friday, May 15, 2015 @ 8:50 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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