[Review] Metro PD: Close to you: Ryohei Kimura - Armed & Engaged

Omg Kimura is so sweet!!!

I just fell in love all over again. ♡♡♡♡

The MC is funny and has her usual spunk that's screenshot-worthy.

Case wise, I think this has one of the best cases for voltage games in a while? My heart was racing together with the MC.

Culprit wise, I had a feeling who it was. And I was right, haha.

Kimura is just such a dear in this Armed and Engaged!! He shows more of his passionate side as compared to his earlier stories. (///▽///)

I love the way how the MC and Kimura made out their in-law visits. Haha. 2nd unit are funny as usual, lol. Their emails are hilarious. Really love the relationship between the MC and Kimura! They love and support each other. This aspect showed so much more in Armed & Engaged.

Can't wait for Kimura's wedding. (=⌒▽⌒=)

And yup, I realize I didn't write the other reviews of Kimura's yet. Lol. May write them when I replay them.

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Monday, June 8, 2015 @ 11:54 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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