[Review] Sakura Amidst Chaos: Oda Nobunaga - Budding Hearts Main Story 1

Before I start my review, can I just say how much I like the concept of this game?

There's a lot of CGs in this game!! Total of 9 CGs.

There's an epilogue together with the main story - 'And Then...'. So this means you don't have to pay more to read the epilogue.

The total number of episodes is 18, which is made up of 16 episodes of Main Story + 1 ending + 1 epilogue. ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

You can play either ending once you've completed the game. So a walkthrough isn't necessary. (Y)

Okay, back to the review, haha.

Following the prologue, the MC opens Nobunaga's letter, asking her to go to his castle. (This makes me wonder why she didn't just open and read all the other letters after Nobunaga's one though, haha.)

Tbqh, I rather like the MC of this game! She's down-to-earth and spirited.
Though at times, in terms of physical terms (as in fighting) she can't defend herself, at least she doesn't draw trouble? Like, in those mangas/animes set in ancient times, the girl can't defend herself, but she caused even more trouble by being there herself. Can't stand those, haha.

I can understand the MC's POV on the way she thinks when the situation goes a certain direction. :(

Oda is just adorable? Haha. He gives the most adorable reaction to certain options that are chosen.
I feel like he is a tsundere, but he's not that tsundere-ish. He is sweet too!!

I love the relationship Oda has with the MC. It's gradual and not sudden (IMO).

When the MC decided to leave, as she felt she was a burden to Oda Nobunaga, I felt my waterworks almost go off. But the situation was soon resolved, so my waterworks didn't have a chance to go off, lol.

And yupp, it felt like the side characters' confessions made me go o_o?
Those felt sudden.

The twist at the end felt ?????? to me. There's one part of the plot around the middle that felt sudden and not that well explained (the death of his dad).

As usual, I liked the Happy Ending more. The epilogue is cute too!(‐^▽^‐)

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015 @ 8:10 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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