[Review] Sakura Amidst Chaos: Sanada Yukimura - Season 1 Main Story

Sanada Yukimura is a rather kind person. Even though he says things like 'I don't want to', he will end up agreeing to it. Feels a little tsundere-ish? Haha. He doesn't feel as cold as I thought he would be.

This character depiction is rather different from what I've seen from animes/stories! Usually Yukimura is hot-headed. He's a strategist wanted by different areas.

In the story, he wanders around place to place with his retainers. He doesn't have a good relation with his dad. :(

For the MC in this route, in times of war, the MC actually is in the place where the war happens. Instead of in Nobunaga's route, where she waits for news of Nobunaga's return. So I found this rather refreshing.

Yukimura is quite adorable!! The love between him and the MC develops and stretches over the 18 chapters. With Yukimura's character, the pace feels just right.

The Good Ending felt like a bad ending to me. Lol.

Anyway, I think the art is pretty for the game though. Especially the CGs!!! Wonder why some people don't like it.

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Friday, June 5, 2015 @ 9:24 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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