[Review] True Love Sweet Lies: Special Story - Saving Him ~ Naomasa

This is the only story I've got for Saving Him, since Naomasa is my bias in this game.

Though I'd probably get Kiyoharu's one soon? I'm so much more in love with him after reading his Season 1 sequel!

Anyway, I think this is the game that has the voiced version of Kiyoharu and Sakuya's?? The one when they won the competition. I bought Naomasa's, though he didn't win.  ಥ_ಥ

Back to this, I like the concept of this story! The MC actually goes to save Naomasa.

That's a twist in the usual plot, where usually the guy goes to save the MC. Naomasa is sweet as usual. I wish the sweetness of the ending can be extended though. If so, that'd be better IMO. ♡
But that may just be me since I wanted more lovey-dovey scenes after all that action, haha.

There's a sprite for the MC in this game too!! Haha. But it doesn't seem as nicely drawn/detailed as the other sprites. But yupp, the MC looks adorable.  (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

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Monday, June 22, 2015 @ 12:06 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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