[Review] Kiss Me on Clover Hill: Kazuto Horai - Season of Love

Kazuto is the landlord of Clover Hill.

Kazuto is sweet. There are little things he does that make me go awww, so it's no wonder the MC fell for him rather early too! ^_^

The story is well-written and nicely paced. I had this warm and fuzzy feeling as I read the story, haha.

Plot-wise, Kiss Me on Clover Hill is like the college/school version of Our Two Bedroom Story? In a sense, it's also different since the MC is actually sharing a house with all of the guys.

I like the usage of colors of the game too. The MC is an art college student, so I feel the water-colors fit this just nicely? Haha.

MC wise, I think the MC in this game is a lot gentler. I think maybe some people would be turned off by this type of MC? But it's still acceptable for me.

I really recommend to read Kazuto's route!! His route is warm and sweet. It feels like eating a bowl of homemade tomato soup (lol, what an anology).

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Sunday, July 19, 2015 @ 5:03 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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