[Review] My Wedding and 7 Rings: Ren Shibasaki - Season 1 Main Story

Ren is my favourite so far in MWA7R!!

Same as Yamato, Ren is the childhood friend of the MC.

Cried buckets at around episode 11/12. It was an emotional rollercoaster. ಥ_ಥ

There's so many things to love about Ren in this!
He's thoughtful and sweet, and is always mindful about the MC. This includes the way he would step aside himself, thinking the MC can find happiness elsewhere. :(

He's always there for the MC too, and can tell that the MC is troubled even if she doesn't say anything about it. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

I love how adorable he is in one scene!! I can stare at that CG forever, haha.

Compared to My Forged Wedding, Ren is more expressive. I prefer this Ren tbqh, haha. I didn't exactly feel much towards Ren in MFW. I guess it has to do with the plot too?

I strongly recommend to get the epilogue as well! Ren is so sweet. He sweeps away all of the MC's (needless) securities. And the lovey-dovey scene melts my heart. (*/∇\*)

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Sunday, July 5, 2015 @ 7:33 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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