[Review] Sakura Amidst Chaos: Oda Nobunaga - Love Blooms Main Story 2

*This review assumes you have already played "Budding Hearts".
-Slight spoilers of Budding Hearts ahead!-

Following the main story in "Budding Hearts", "Love Blooms" is the sequel to it, with 9 episodes of main story + 1 ending + 1 epilogue.

Oda's retainers and Ieyasu all want Oda to get back to being a shogun to unify the country. However, he is already known as 'dead' to the world. He doesn't want to do anything more so he leaves unifying the country to Ieyasu and his retainers.

It is because of all these pressure, that Oda suddenly said that he wants to go on a journey.

Tbqh, Idk if it's because I didn't read any the special stories, but I've not seen before the people the MC and Oda knows. I feel like there's a gap in the story from Main Story 1 to 2. But okay, I'd just pretend I know them like the MC does, lol.

And so, circumstances happen so Oda and the MC didn't get a smooth journey.

Oda made my heart pound a little at his scene of his second CG. (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

A life-or-death situation happened in this sequel. I can't help but think about the similar pain of separation/anxiety MC has to go through for both of Oda's main stories. ಥ_ಥ

I thought a love flag with someone else was going to raise for the MC too. And another one for Oda in the second half, lol. That never got explained at all. If I were the MC, I'd definitely ask if Oda did feel anything for the love flag character, hahaha.

The MC is super awesome in this story. You can tell she's grown even stronger. And she even helps out for one of the missions!!

Oda losing his memories is part of the main plot in this story. The MC is patient and doesn't push Oda. He recovers his memories quite quickly though (IMO). If there's anyone who hates memory loss kind of plot, I think it's still okay. This plot element just made me like the MC even more, haha.

I feel like this review is more spoiler-y than usual. :O

Preferred the happy end as usual.

Loved the epilogue! It's the simple act of holding hands on the streets that makes me feel it's love. (─‿‿─)

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Sunday, July 12, 2015 @ 8:06 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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