Miscellaneous: General Election 2015

It's the Official Voltage General Election period!

Not many games were released this period. (Or those stories that interest me.)

Tbqh, I think the Dangerously in Love stories are rather pricey. Since we get 2 chapters of story + no images + 1 ballot. Though I don't really save pictures too.

So yupp, the election will be on until August 11!

I've bought some of these Dangerously in Love stories. Haha. Read around that these stories are actually free on Japan's Sweet Cafe. Left a feedback saying it'd be better if we could trade our sweet cafe tickets for the ballot tickets. Since it won't exactly be fair if we could use our tickets to vote, or people can vote for free.

All these stories are sweet though!!!
I bought Kota's and Kyohei's because of the Revance radio section, haha.

Even though I bought Hue's story, I didn't vote for him in the election. T_T I feel like Kazuki's more suited for the Sophisticated category. :(

So far, I've voted for Ren, Soryu, Kota, Kyohei, Kazuki.

I have 6 ballots. 1 each from Kazuto's story and Hydra's main story, 1 free one from voltage, and 3 others from the above purchased stories!

Can't remember who else I voted for. Will edit when I remember, haha.

Edit: I voted for Yukinojo too, haha.

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Sunday, August 2, 2015 @ 6:10 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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