[Review] Enchanted in the Moonlight: Chikage - Season 2 Main Story Love Nest for Two

Chikage is much sweeter and more expressive about his feelings in the sequel!

You get to see his jealous side, and I think it's pretty adorable, haha. He wouldn't have shown that previously. ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

Story-wise, because the bad guys are now after the MC, Chikage and the MC now live together at Kiryu's home. (This is the general plotline for Love Nest for Two, of the sequel prologue.)

The plot was predictable tbqh. The progress and climax of the story is as expected.

I really like Chikage's ex-fiancee too. I find that she genuinely wishes well for both of them. She only appears for a short while anyway, haha.

The main thing I loved about this sequel was Chikage's character development. He is much sweeter, and pays attention to the small details. He thinks ahead before the MC. There was one scene that made me go 'aww'. I guess I just really like it when a couple does simple things, haha.

Enjoyed this route! Do give him a try if you didn't like him before.

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Monday, August 24, 2015 @ 10:40 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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