[Review] My Wedding and 7 Rings: Kai Fujisawa - Season 1 Main Story

Kai is the head of the IT department in Sanno Corporations. The MC chose him bc she wanted someone to leave her alone as she figures things out, but things don't go as planned.

Kai is a rather cold guy. He's the lone wolf in the midst of the other Special Execs. I don't remember seeing him talk much in the other guys' route that I've played!

And well, I didn't like him much till around Episode 5. This explains my Happy End walkthrough, since the options I chose at the beginning didn't move the meter at all, hahaha.

The MC falls for Kai early in the story. Just that she didn't explicitly realise that till it's near the end of the Main Story. I guess we need this to move the storyline with Kai, bc if it's me, I wouldn't bother talking to him anymore tbqh.

The MC is super awesome though! I'm guessing Kai likes spunky girls? Since the options that I think would piss him off, actually raised the meter for me. LOL.

There's a development in the story that I didn't expect. I find the MC so awesome during that part!!! All the emotion turmoil got to me.

The climax of this story almost brought tears to my eyes. It wasn't stretched out that much, so I didn't end up crying as I read this story, haha.

When in love, Kai is a beast omg. (///▽///) ♡ I strongly recommend getting the epilogue! He's so sweet and passionate that I melted.

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Saturday, August 8, 2015 @ 12:49 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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