[Review] Scandal in the Spotlight: Ryo Chibana - Season 1 Main Story

Ryo is the ghost-writer of Revance. He's the one who is 'responsible' for all the song-writing ghost-writer mess the MC got into.

And well, I didn't like this as much as I thought I would. :(

The buildup at the beginning was gradual. Ryo is a pretty nice guy. Though he seems too nice, that I wouldn't like a guy like that in real life, haha.

Regarding the MC, I think she gives too much credit to Ryo being the one to inspire her/words that come to her when she is with Ryo? I mean, she wrote just fine for one of the songs. But she was rather dependent on Ryo to give her advice etc on song-writing.

I was enjoying the story to the middle tbqh. But the end felt too abrupt? I think the only way to know what's going through Ryo's mind is if I read his POV.

Iori is so nice in this route!! In the other routes I've read, he usually doesn't care much about the MC, lol.

Since I didn't like the main story much, I didn't get the epilogue for this. :(

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Saturday, August 8, 2015 @ 8:54 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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