[Review] Star-Crossed Myth: Ichthys - Season 1 Main Story

Ichthys is the god of Pisces. He is what the summary on his page says - a playful god.

The story at the beginning is pretty light-hearted. Ichthys is nice and not overly flirty.

As you delve deeper into his story, you'll find that there's a certain depth to Ichthys. He thinks things through as much as everyone else, although he may not appear that way on the surface.

The king is a saint in this story. o_o Wonder why he acts differently with each character, lol.

I enjoyed this story! Though it's not as heart-wrenching as Hue's story, it's still a pretty nice route.

MC was the best!!! I like the MC in SCM. When Ichthys acted strange, the MC holds her ground. She also goes after him in a way. (●´∀`●)

I strongly recommend the epilogue!! Aside from Teorus (who I haven't read), I think Ichthys is pretty passionate? Like wow, after his switched was flipped, that was fast. It was a pleasant surprise though, haha. It's like there it is, the 2 sides of the fish horoscope.

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Thursday, August 6, 2015 @ 11:27 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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