[Review] True Love Sweet Lies: Naomasa - Season 2 Main Story Captured Hearts

Naomasa is just the sweetest guy ever!!! I just fell in love with him all over again. ♡♡♡

In this story, Naomasa and the MC are tasked by the chief to go undercover at the shrine. There, they investigate a case of fraud and meets one of Naomasa's old clients.

Again, I love the MC! She does her own things and inspires Naomasa. Naomasa overcame his past too, because of the MC.

Naomasa is too thoughtful of other people. And tend to keep things to himself as he thinks things would actually be better that way. Am glad the MC is there with him and that we get to read a little character development in Naomasa! Tbqh, this was like the case of Naomasa and his dad though. But yupp, a person's character don't change suddenly overnight. So we need a person like the MC to be there for him. (*´▽`*)

Case wise, I figured out who the perpetrator was before the MC. /o/ There were a couple cute/squeal-inducing scenes as the investigation progresses. \(^▽^@)ノ

And can I just say that Naomasa is super adorable in his priest clothes?? Plus his short hair omg. ♡_♡ Okay, this may be my bias showing, lol.

The bitter trap end sets my heart racing! I didn't like the options I had to choose (to get to that ending), but I liked that ending more, haha. He pays attention to what the MC is saying, or he just picks up on the little things from the way MC acts. ♡♡♡ The sweet trap end was sweet as well!

The bonus video, that came after both endings were unlocked, was short. I thought I clicked the video as it was playing, making it shorter. But it's just really short when I replayed it, haha.

I recommend getting the epilogue too! The fluff omg. ♡

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Sunday, August 9, 2015 @ 5:11 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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