[Review] Amnesia™: Memories

I got it from Steam some time last year when it was just released!
Btw, this review will contain spoilers, so read at your own discretion, hahaha.

Cr: Steam

About the story

Summary from Steam: You awaken to find your memories gone. To learn the truth behind your amnesia, you’ll choose from five romantic paths, each its own world. With 20+ endings, can you write the lasting love story you deserve, or will your love and life come to an end?

About the guys

Pic credit: gamerchatter.com

This is like the best picture I found to represent the guys.
From left to right:
Shin (Heart World) > Ikki (Spade World) > Toma (Diamond World) > Kent (Clover World).

And coincidentally, that's the order in which I played my routes, hahaha.

I followed a walkthrough. There's no way I'd have gotten a happy ending if I'd just chosen and clicked anyhow, LOL.

Shin: The younger guy character, who is younger than you by a year.

This is a mystery I would have definitely failed solving if not for the walkthrough, lolol. And yupp, Shin's route is basically a mystery - which the MC has to find out who exactly hurt her. And they trace back to what happened and all. Just like solving a mystery case. Shin just kisses the MC out of nowhere with every opportunity he can get. He becomes shy and actually blushes when he hold hands with the MC. (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

To get all his CGs, you'd just have to play through the Good End & Normal End. After following the walkthrough, I saw that the number of CGs is still incomplete, even though there are no missing ones. So I randomly clicked the images to replay the scenes by clicking other choices. I can't remember which one I clicked though. :O The last CG is obtained from doing Ukyo's Bad End 7! (Which I have yet to complete at the moment.)

Ikki: The playboy type, who actually has a fanclub with crazy fangirls.

At the moment, all I can remember of this route is that the fanclub is crazy. LOL. They are scary in the way they do all their bullying stuff to the MC. Ikki is really sweet though. Though I felt as confused as Orion in the beginning. Idk what's going on when Ikki asks to meet with the MC, but ends up talking to/being held up by his fanclub. His attitude was so hot and cold that it confused me.

But yupp, his coldness has a reason - in that he didn't want his fangirls to see how serious he was towards the MC. The only time he's sweet to the MC is when he is alone with her. And the atmosphere was really romantic. ₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡

To get all his CGs, you'd just have to play through the Good End & Normal End. Can't remember if there were any missing variations of the CGs after following the walkthrough for both Good & Normal Ends.

Toma: The most dreaded route in my life The older brother character, who is unrelated to the MC by blood.

I actually held off continuing his route for months. LOL. Paused it in September last year and only just finished this a few days ago. Previously, I had already read reviews about Toma that he locked the MC up in the cage. So I kind of just dragged playing it, until I decided I should just finish it.

Tbqh, the design of Toma is pretty handsome. He is pretty normal too in the other routes. So why is he like this in his own route? LOL. He was sane I think until halfway of his route. So yupp, the MC spends half the route inside the cage. Idk how, but it triggers her memories.

Orion is the only thing that's keeping me sane in this route. And btw, this is a self-insert-thought/speech game, so my thoughts are apparently really different from the MC. Whenever Toma asks the MC some things, I'd be like no but Toma replies something else back. ಠ_ಠ

On a side note, I couldn't comprehend why the MC actually returned to the cage after being knocked down by a bike. It was bc she didn't want Toma to find out she went out. But um, why??? ಠ_ಠ

To get all his CGs, you'd have to complete his Good End & Bad End 2 ("We'll be together forever"). I had thought there would be a CG in his Normal End, but there's no CG. I feel like the Normal CG should be the Good End instead? Since Shin actually finds the MC when she escapes, and Toma really disappears from sight after that. Bad End 2 is just wow, lol.

One thing to credit Toma, though, is that he helps the MC clear her mailbox from the crazy doings of Ikki's fanclub. He cleans up whatever gross things the girls in the fanclub puts into her mailbox.

My husband Kent: The logical character everyone needs in their lives. ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

I couldn't stop fangirling and smiling when I first read his route. He looks like Midorima, my favourite character in Kuroko no Basket. Kent's voice actor has a pretty deep voice too. Their characters are similar too, in the sense that they always use logic to make sense of what they are doing. Even the way they push their glasses are the same. When the side view of Kent gets shown on the screen at times, my heart just melts since they look really similar.  Both of them are scary tall too. ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊

This route is basically pretty light. No cages, no mysteries, no crazy fangirls to ruin your life.
But oh, you'll need to solve math questions. LOL. But anyway, all hail to the walkthrough. Only managed to solve a little of the math questions that were flashed, haha. I think reading Kent's story fourth is just nice. Bc Ukyo's route has another deep plot.

His Good End is the sweetest thing I have ever read. (●´∀`)ノ♡
As much as he reasons out his logic, his heart still wins out. My heart melted everytime he voices his confusion. Like what he said, his head is telling him this, but his heart is telling him another. And yupp, him being like who he is, is mainly because of his upbringing, lol. His parents are so logical.

Ukyo: The hidden route unlocked once you've played everyone else's.

I played the bad ends for the choices that would, after playing the save, allow me to continue to lead me to the Good End for Ukyo. So I must say the bad ends were pretty interesting?? Lol. I've never played a game that lets the MC die so many times. LOL.

Ukyo is the guy who is always there. It makes sense why his route would be last once you've read all the other guys' routes. It's like the true ending to me. And tbqh, after playing his route, it makes me wonder of the otome games I've played, if any of the characters actually retain their memory and get their hearts broken when I pursue the other guys, LOL. Because that was exactly how it felt like to me when the truth was revealed. Ah, Ukyo. (ఠ్ఠ ˓̭ ఠ్ఠ)

Okay, back to the route. Ukyo's route rounds up all the questions you have ever wondered about the game. Why did Orion appear in your life? Why is Ukyo so weird and warning you about what may happen? Or say things like 'Ah it's Kent this time round, you'd be safe here', stuff like that.

Overall, the Good End made me feel conflicted. Conflicted that yes, finally Ukyo got the ending he wanted so the cycle won't continue again; and sad of what happened to Orion and his god. Sobs.


This is an awesome game worth every cent! Well, except for Toma's route. LOL. Idek why his route was like this and Japan voted him as #1 in this game????

So yupp, I loved this game a lot, and even got the official fanbook when I was in Japan weeks ago. It was the only one left on the shelves. 。゚.(*♡´◡` 人´◡` ♡*)゚ °・
But the images were slightly different, and there were different worlds??? Like the guys were dressed in some prince suit. LOL. Idk. But the illustrations are surely very pretty. 。゚.(*♡´◡` 人´◡` ♡*)゚ °・

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Sunday, June 12, 2016 @ 5:47 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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