[Review] Era of Samurai: Code of Love; Soji Okita - Season 1 Main Story

Soji reminds me of Leon in Star-Crossed Myth, haha.
Saw people writing that the artist that worked with SCM is the same as this game.
I especially loved one CG. Okita's eyes looked so gentle even though he was seen as a merciless killer by the MC. Like he wanted the MC to see him for him. ಡ_ಡ

When playing his route, I felt fear - he was pretty scary in the beginning chapters. LOL.
As you read more, you realize there's more to Okita. The path that he walks, his past on what made him who he is today, and his different sides. And yupp, his route made me laugh too, haha.
So this route has like, everything?? Humour, fear, love and sadness (kind of bittersweet).

He was so sweet when he is in love. My heart melted in the love end.(*´▽`*)

That said, can I say the MC of this game is awesome again?? What she did was so awesome at the end. Hijikata was being thoughtful/sweet in his cool-way at one part. And all the other samurai were being nice to her?? By giving her food and stuff. Lol.

All in all, I enjoyed his route way more than I thought I would.
Seriously looking forward to the other routes of this game. ٩(●ᴗ●)۶

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Saturday, June 18, 2016 @ 10:53 AM / 0 otaku(s)

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