[Review] Era of Samurai: Code of Love; Toshizo Hijikata - Season 1 Main Story

Before I talk about his route, can I just say I am amazed by the animation of the game?? Haha.
The fighting scenes seem more realistic, with sprites zooming in and out.
Even the option screen was pretty.

Initially, Hijikata's sprite reminds me of Huedhaut. But after playing the game, it didn't cross my mind again. Their characters were too different.

In the hierarchy, Hijikata is second-in-command, so he gets understandably pissed when the MC chose him, and he had to babysit her, I mean stay in the house in the beginning of the first chapter.

Hijikata is a strict man, who likes to show his hard front in front of others.
However, in front of the MC, he gradually sheds his hard shell and reveals his true thoughts. Or rather, actually how the MC just sees through his macho act.

I love how in the Love End, I could choose all the options I like. Bc it's easier for the meter to go to the Love End side, lolol. And Hijikata was so sweet in the Love End. His gentle look completely melts my heart. (●´□`)♡

I love the MC in this game as well! She makes herself helpful, in spite of the hardships thrown her way. She knows when to speak up, and when to back down. φ(*⌒▽⌒)ノ

Overall, I loved the story, and the voiced video after unlocking both ends was just awesome?? Haha.
Tbqh, the format of the video reminded me of Amnesia. Since the MC's part was voiceless, lol.
Definitely looking forward to the other characters of this game!

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Sunday, June 12, 2016 @ 7:56 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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