[Review] Era of Samurai: Code of Love: Isami Kondo - Season 1 Main Story

Kondo is not the type I'd usually pursue in otome games. That said, since I loved the Shinsengumi's routes that came out so far, I thought I would give his route a try.

His route felt flatter? MC wasn't as much help in being a doctor from the start - as in what happened in the other routes.

I guess there was a part in the main plot that I didn't really like?
Made me think like, if the MC wasn't there, how would he have dealt with the situation then?
Would he handle the situation differently, had he not sort of fallen for the MC?
It felt, to me, that it was handled too lightly??

I think I just didn't like the premise once I've reached that part. It's like a matter of morals to me already.

I would recommend playing the Love End first, then the Fate End.
Fate End, as usual, felt like the true end.

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Saturday, September 10, 2016 @ 12:48 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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