[Review] Era of Samurai: Code of Love: Shinsaku Takasugi - Season 1 Main Story

The MC of the game simply faints too much at the beginning?? LOL.
Luckily, she picked herself up and made herself useful. Else I might not have liked this as much?

Plot-wise, having read the other 5 shinsengumi stories, the pieces fall to place now.
We have the view of the Choshu, and why they are doing what they are doing for their cause.
I'd agree with what the Shinsengumi said about their methods being extreme.

Playing this made my heart so ಡ_ಡ, because I love my Shinsengumi guys.
Especially Hijikata near the end. Omg. ಡ_ಡ

That said, all in all, I still rather enjoyed this route!
I feel like things could have been resolved in a more peaceful manner though.
But then again, I think things that happened in that era don't resolve that easily.

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Saturday, October 8, 2016 @ 6:56 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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