Maou Voice

Maou Voice
By: Kawaguchi Kei

Summary: (From mangaupdates) In a world where demons and humans are at war, there exists a Demon King, whose voice holds a power that destroys all in its way. When an unusual Hero attacks his castle, what's a Demon King to do other than confess his love? But thanks to meddling minions and the inconvenience of a voice that destroys everything in its path, his confession may not go according to plan...

Comment: This time I'm going to recommend this read! It's a oneshot.

This is a short comedy shoujo manga that I really like.

The Demon King is an airhead and the girl is strong. The end, I think, is not really conclusive of their relationship? Like they didn't show how both of them would end up. Though it's sort of obvious. But it's funny! The way I like my mangas to be. (Y)

Like for stories, I'd hope they would bicker and be on par/competitive with each other. (Yes, I mean make the girl lead strong instead of having to rely on the guy all the time!)
And the guy falling for the girl first. =]]

Back to this oneshot~~~
My favorite character has to be Suzu, the translator of the King!
The way he translates all the things are so funny, lol.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012 @ 10:42 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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