Tomodachi no Hanashi

Tomodachi no Hanashi
By: Kawahara Kazune (author), Yamakawa Aiji (artist)

Summary: (From etc) Eiko is something of a plain Jane and a doormat, while her best friend Moe is a head-turning beauty. Despite their differences, their friendship is as strong as ever. Guys are always asking Moe out, but her answer is invariably “Only if you promise to put Eiko before me.”

Comment: This is a short one volume manga of 4 chapters. 3 of it is of the main story, the extra is an extra oneshot. Storyline is unique. It's in separate view points! It's just really special, so I'd recommend you to read it for yourself. The friendship bond within Eiko is really strong.

Was surprised to see that Kawahara Kazune is the author. She's the one who wrote Koukou Debut. Which is a much shoujo/fluffly-like story tbh. This one definitely has more depth. I'd think.

So yupp, hope the 2 of them collaborates again soon! :D
The plotline, together with the art, is really awesome.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013 @ 7:54 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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