The One

The One
By: Nicky Lee (author & artist)

Manhua Status: Completed; 110 chapters

Summary: (Taken from mangaupdates) Cane Lele was born into the fashion industry. Her mother, Ye Fei Yi, was Taiwan's top model, and her father was also a model, until a tragic airplane crash left Lele without parents. Therefore, it is no surprise that Lele hates the industry, thinking it superficial and unnecessary.

Raised by her maternal grandmother, Lele reaches seventeen before she is sucked in by her mother's sister, Ye Fei Hong, a fashion model agent (and former model), convinces the reluctant Lele to model. Lele had been adverse to the whole idea, until she sees a photo shoot of popular American model Angus Lanson, and she begins to see modeling as an art form.

When Aunt Fei Hong's magazine editor invites Angus Lanson to a meeting of all the top fashion ambassadors, Lele is invited to meet him and is very curious. She does not know that Angus' twin elder brother, Eros Lanson, is secretly accompanying his brother. This obviously leads to confusion and is the start of a charming story of Lele's goals: fashion in NYC, becoming a top model, and love?

Comments: Just finished reading this, and kind of just know the canon ship as I read it. The love triangle (?) wasn't really there, so I still liked the story. Can't stand wishy washy guys/girls in love triangles. Make up your mind! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

This story is classified as psychological, and yes, to a certain extent this is true. ◕︵◕
I would guess that there really are people who just use people like that. I most probably would have gone mad too. Though through all that, a backstory to the dad would be nice. He seems one dimensional.

By the way, there are GLBT characters in this story, even though it's a shoujo. The theme is pretty mature too.

Overall, my ship sailed, hahaha. So, no complains!

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Monday, November 24, 2014 @ 11:15 PM / 0 otaku(s)

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